Discovering the TenMarks ELA Audience
The need for writing help - frameworks for teaching it, and support in student writing practice - emerged in need-finding research.
K-12 writing landscape
Teacher and Student personas emerged from research to guide our design phase
Teacher Persona
Based on interviews with 6 writing teachers
Rookie Romeo
New Teacher: a tech-savvy, highly social but inexperienced teacher
Teaching Experience: 1 year
Classroom management skill: medium
Quality of writing instruction: medium
5th grade teacher
Plays by the rules
Writing is important
Needs support
High expectations about students’ technical ability
Prepare her students for their assessment tests and the next grade
Not let her students down
Build effective, differentiated curriculum
Keep his job
“I’d love to know how to teach editing. It’s intuitive for me, but not for my students. I teach the conventions and mechanics, but my students have difficulty applying what they’ve learned to their own writing.”
“[I like to] grade together with colleagues, that helps a lot.”
“[Reading all 12 Lucy Calkins books] was what I was supposed to do over summer break, but I didn’t."
Jaded Janice
Experienced Teacher: competent but overwhelmed- trying to cram in all the instruction she knows her students need
Teaching experience: 10 years
Classroom management skills: high
Quality of writing instruction: medium
3rd grade teacher
10-year veteran
A bit jaded by the constantly changing “standards”
Reading & math are more important than writing
Prepare students for high-stakes tests, especially math & reading
Juggle in writing instruction when possible
Get through the school year
“There are so many Common Core standards to cover. It’s double the work.”
“I spend so much time teaching how to write that my students don’t have much time left for actual writing.”
“I get why they have all this stuff [pointing to page in the teacher guide], but it’s just too much.”
“It would be nice [to have a guide with] the steps. Here are the major things, how you teach it, how you organize it, what a typical lesson looks like, what a conference looks like, as a model.”
Esther Expert
Master Teacher: a master at orchestrating instruction and engaging each of her students
Teaching experience: 15 years
Classroom management skills: high
Quality of writing instruction: high
4th grade teacher
Talented teacher
Writing is important
Students’ work should be celebrated
Mistakes are an opportunity to learn
Foster student writing community
Prepare them for college and career writing tasks
Coach and challenge her students to write expressively
“This [binder] is just what I’ve compiled over the years. There’s no great comprehensive writing program. I’ve had to piecemeal it together.”
“You have to take the child that you get and bring them to the next level. One kids’ next level is going to be totally different than another kids’ next level.”
“We probably write a complete essay composition once a month. I incorporate writing into content teaching (social studies and science). They’re writing something daily.”
Teacher Needs and Insights
#1 Teacher Need Statement
I am a caring and diligent 3rd-7th grade teacher, who is trying to teach standards-based writing
but it takes a lot of time and effort to prepare and deliver effective instruction
because there is no one resource that is easy-to-use and comprehensive
which makes me feel uncertain and overwhelmed
#2 Teacher Need Statement
I am a caring and diligent 3rd-7th grade teacher, who is trying to coach my student writers
but providing individualized constructive feedback takes a lot of time
because writing suggestions demands a lot of thought and careful phrasing
which makes me feel daunted
Teacher Insights
De-prioritizing creative writing (poetry, stories) due to Common Core’s emphasis on career and college readiness
Want kids to type well, but do not prioritize teaching typing
Integrate writing activities across the curriculum (social studies, science)
Journal writing is a daily activity
Different teachers focus on different writing areas when they grade (to use their time efficiently and not overwhelm students)
Writing Student Research
Based on primary research with writing students, grades 3-7
Student Persona
Based on 6 student interviews
Ryan Resistant
The Struggling Writing Student: unclear, not very responsive
Writing competence: low
Writing engagement: low
4th grade student
Poor reader
Lou Learner
Engaged But Struggling Writing Student: motivated student but not a strong writer
Writing competence: medium
Writing engagement: medium
4th grade student
Likes math more than ELA
Loves Minecraft
Expects help from teacher
Do well in school
Wants to be a game developer
“I’m not smart like him because I’m not as fast as him.”
“I’m not interested in writing about the topic that my teacher assigned to the class.”
“My hand hurts [from writing].”
“Typing is hard.”
Molly Motivated
Competent and Engaged Writing Student: motivated writer and strong reader
writing competence: high
writing engagement: high
5th grade student
Enjoys school
Respects authority
Will use our product if the teacher asks her to use it
Do well in school
Find creative/expressive outlets (latent)
“Writing allows you to express yourself and think about things. Narrative is like creating your own world. Informational is like looking into the real world.”
“Planning is hard because it's hard to come up with the [ideas].”
“You think you’re done. But then the teacher looks at it and says, “Add more punctuation,” but you can’t see where to add it.”
Student Needs and Insights
#1 Student Problem Statement
I am a competent reader and conscientious 3rd–7th grade student, who is trying to think of something to write about
but I'm not good at brainstorming alone
because I haven't internalized the steps/strategies
which makes me feel stumped and unsupported
#2 Student Need Statement
I am a competent reader and conscientious 3rd–7th grade student, who is trying to research a topic
but identifying important ideas is hard
because I haven't internalized or been taught the steps/strategies
which makes me feel overwhelmed, perplexed and unsure
Student Insights
Students at all grades still struggle with typing
Students feel more engaged if they can choose their own writing topic
Students are motivated to write better if they know their peers will also be reading it
Students enjoy drawing and illustrating their written work
Students want to know how they will be graded on writing